Denver Body Painter

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Nature Body Painting

Rivers & Waterfalls

woman laying on side with water fall painted on breasts with river and trees on torso to the right waterfall in U V colors on woman's chest waterfall on woman's chest Waterall on man's torso River scene on woman,s side from shoulders to waist: mountain on her breast, trees the rest of the way down mural across a man and woman torso of river and mountains


female torso painted tree and autumn leaves nude pregnant female with tree and branchs body painted two flowers growing from dirt on woman's torso flowers and butterflies bush painted above vulva three red tulips growing from dirt on woman's torso 60s stylized flowers on woman's chest pink flower on her right breast and yellow flower on the left violets growing from dirt on woman's stomach flowers growing from dirt on woman's stomach Flower in a vase in U V colors leaves on branches on woman's chest vines on branches on woman's torso


Mountain on woman's torso Range of mountains with a waterfall leading to a river on woman's chest

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